Goodnight ♥

I'm writing to say that I'll do brownies soon and I'll do the same as Lemon Cake. Have a goodnight, I'm very tired tonight so I can't think so much. See you soon! Sweet dreams my villains!

My little creations :3!

Hi guys, how are you? I want to share my little creations until today. (I'm working on a pokeball like the poros. I hope you enjoy it! OH! There is my cupcake of my cosplay: Bittersweet Lulu! He was my first creation, do you like him? If you like something I can do one for you! Huggy! M.

I'm back!

I had a bad week and it's why i'm not here since the last publication. I did a better Poro of League of Legends, more cute and more big (like my hand). My friends love him and me too!
I'm trying to do another doll. You can give me ideas by email if you want. I'll be very happy with this yaya! I think I will back with my felt dolls because I have more ideas for it! Like my poro, she/he is sooooo cute! Mimi loves you! XOXO!
I miss you my little bird.

I heard it today "Shake it out"

"Regrets collect like old friends
Here to relive your darkest moments
I can see no way, I can see no way
And all of the ghouls come out to play
And every demon wants his pound of flesh
But I like to keep some things to myself
I like to keep my issues drawn
It's always darkest before the dawn"

Never forget :3

Hi guys, I love this group and I want to share it with you "Do or Die" to tell you: Life goes on and we must improve each day. The moments are to live them because we aren't forever, only in the hearts of those who love us. Have a good weekend and smile! 

My first tutorial: Flowers Papers ♥

Hi guys, I did my tutorial in Spanish because I'm not good English speaker. I hope you can understand my indications; I can do subs someday. ADVICES: 

1- You can use paper or cardboard for it.
2- You can do the stem with a wire (be careful)
3- Seek to make the stem  thin as blue or orange flower.
4- You can send me a photo (your flower)
5- I accept tips for tutorials. I'm a noob here! See you soon and thanks for watching ♥

Weekend is ending

Is it a good or bad news? It's a good news for me because I'll get my red wig: Red Card Katarina is coming yaya ♥! I was Bittersweet Lulu since 2 years but It's time to change! I'm excited with this! 
About my Flowers Papers Tutorial: I'm working on it but I'm a bit shy and my camara is being rebellius about video quality. Anyways, I'll share my last creation: Poro of League of Legends with wool! I'm trying to sell it on ebay and I can do more If it have success! There is a Pikachu, Bellossom and Elmo too! I only make shipments to Spain but I'm reporting for Europe, I am a novice at this. They are so cute, right? I hope you love it! 
"Colgadores/Peluches - Poro League of Legends, Elmo BS, Pikachu/Bellossom Pokemon"

Flowers papers soon!

I'm working in my first tutorial about flowers papers, like my photo. I did it yesterday while LoL Euwest server had issues.
I hope you enjoy it soon.
Thanks for read my little space and your patience  ♥
See you soon! M.

Have a nice day! xoxo ♥

Roar! How are you?

Lemon Cake (8p)

1 Iron crust pastry. 
2 lemons 
2 cups water 
6 egg yolks 
45g cornflour 
200g Sugar 
1 stick of vanilla

3 egg white
80g sugar

A month ago was San Valentin ~ Love in the air ~ I did this lemon cake for my valentines who devoured all! I'm working in a better presentation. My cake is for 4 so I did the half. I don't like lemon but It was very tasty! You can do it with orange too! If you didn't know how, You can translate it!

Lemon Cake (Spanish): 

- Lavar, rallar y exprimir los limones y con el resto coger el exprimidor para hacer un zumo de limón.
- Coger un bol e introducir el zumo, la ralladura, el agua y mezclarlo.
- Por otro lado mezclar la maicena con el azucar y las yemas.
- Se unen ambas mezclas en un cazo y se pone a cocer a fuego medio con una rama de vainilla. Yo usé algo tipo aromatico, como para las magdalenas (2 o 3 gotas) Tras esto remover constantemente todo hasta que se espese.
- Coged el molde para forrar la base con la pasta, hornearlo a 180ºC durante 10 minutos.
- Cuando tengáis la base puesta y/o horneada la rellenáis con la crema de limón (La mezcla final)
- Decorar la superficie de la tarta como queráis con el merengue y hornear a 100ºC durante 15 minutos. Dejar enfriar y servir más adelante. 

Thanks for your time! I am excited to begin my blog! 

Hi my little villains!

My name is Mitsuki but my friends call me Mimi or Mitsu. I'm from Spain and I want to share with you my creations. I love draw, cook and sew but I'm learning! You can see my work and leave me a comment! I want to improve! I'm working in my blog to make it more cute, sorry if my english isn't good. I hope you like my progress.
See you soon!